Kun Lee


I am a PhD candidate in Social Policy at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford, and an incoming postdoctoral research associate jointly at Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Cross-national Data Center & Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research. Previously, I was a visiting scholar at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, University of Mannheim, Humboldt University of Berlin, and Finnish Centre for Pensions.

As a quantitative social scientist and social policy researcher, my research broadly focuses on how social inequalities are shaped - mitigated or reproduced - by welfare state institutions and social policies from a comparative perspective, in the age of demographic transitions and changing labor markets. My projects investigate relevant topics, including the consequences of pension reforms, inequalities in late working lives, low fertility, family policy, poverty, and wealth inequality.

My doctoral research has been recognized by several awards, such as Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Dissertation Grant and JESP/ESPAnet Doctoral Researcher Prize.

You can also find me on X and Blue Sky.