Kun Lee


I am a PhD candidate in Social Policy at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford, and a visiting scholar in Winter 2024 at the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Previously, I was also a visiting scholar at the University of Mannheim, Humboldt University of Berlin, and Finnish Centre for Pensions.

As a quantitative social scientist and social policy researcher, my research broadly focuses on how social inequalities are shaped - mitigated or reproduced - by welfare state institutions and social policies responding to changing labor markets and demographic transitions in advanced democracies. My projects have investigated socioeconomic consequences of pension reforms and inequalities in late working lives, both as cross-national comparative research and single-case studies. I am also interested in researching other policy issues related to labor market instability, low fertility, wealth inequality, and poverty.

My doctoral research has been recognized by several awards, including Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Dissertation Grant and JESP/ESPAnet Doctoral Researcher Prize.

You can also find me on Blue Sky